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Week Long Painting Intensive 203

11 Seats Available

Week Long Painting Intensive




6/23/2025 to 6/27/2025

Discounts & Other Fees:

$5 Resident Discount

Location: Instructor:
  • Sue Cash

Meeting Times

  • Monday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM


Intermediate level-Prior experience recommended

A week-long intensive for painters in all media. Work on ways to develop your personal content, style, and point of view. Includes exercises, drawing, techniques, and feedback aimed at completion of a final painting. Use your own choice of medium*. Bring the listed materials to the first class. If using alternative materials, or for any questions, contact the instructor at

Additional Notes

Materials: This is a suggested list. If you already have materials, bring what you have.

· Minimum color palette. Medium-size student grade tubes are fine, but avoid the large, inexpensive sets of tiny tubes.

o Cadmium Yellow Medium Hue

o Hansa, Zinc or Lemon Yellow

o Cadmium Red Medium Hue

o Alizarine Crimson or

o Ultramarine Blue

o Cerulean Blue

o Zinc (Mixing) White*

o Titanium White – Large tube*

*Whites are not needed for watercolor

· Appropriate painting medium for acrylic or oils.

· Set of assorted synthetic long-handled bristle brushes, including:

o #4 flat

o #8 flat

o #4 round

· Pad of canvas paper- (9x12 or 11x14)

· 5 canvas panels or stretched canvases, minimum size 9x12, maximum size 16x20

*Due to room constraints oils, even with odorless paint thinner, are excluded from class work unless special precautions are taken. Please contact the instructor if you plan to use oils. Water-based oils are OK.


  • Class Fee $179.00
Total: $179.00