MS Excel 101 404
10 Seats AvailableMS Excel 101
Dates:2/8/2025 to 3/8/2025
Discounts & Other Fees:
$5 Resident Discount
- Soufyane Ballouki
Meeting Times
- Saturday 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
This informative class will start you on your way with Excel, a versatile program that can be used at work & at home.
Topics for Excel 101 will be:
• Introduction to the user interface
• Creating a new workbook and storing as file
• Table concept: rows, columns, cell names
• Inserting numbers and text into cells
• Cell formats: bold, color, background color, borders
• Fill series
• Formula syntax
• Auto SUM function
• Simple formulas using basic arithmetic
• Copy and paste, drag down/right of formulas
If we have time:
• Introduction to relative and absolute cell references
Additional Notes
- Class Fee $64.00
Note: Class has been CANCELLED